
The Truth About 15 & 30 Year Mortgages
When considering a mortgage, it is important to understand the difference between a 15-year and 30-year mortgage. Both options have their own unique benefits and drawbacks, and the choice ultimately comes down to your personal perspective and goals.

How To Use Your Current Home To Buy Another
So you own a home and you have a super low interest rate on it…which makes you not want to go buy another house right now while rates are way higher than what you currently have...but what if I told you that you could use your low interest rate on your current home to help you buy another one?

Why You Shouldn't Close A Home Loan Early
You found the perfect house, discussed all the financial details with your mortgage advisor and have decided to sign a purchase agreement to buy a new home. Everyone is ecstatic, as you should be! One of the key details of the purchase contract is the date that the transaction will close on. As the transaction progresses on, you realize that maybe the initial close date isn't ideal and you begin to wonder if that original closing date can be changed.

Should You Put 20% Down?
The 20% down payment rule for buying a house is a common guideline that has been passed down for decades. But where did this rule come from and is it still necessary today?

Why Your Interest Rate Doesn't Matter
Unless you have been living under a rock, I am sure that you have probably heard about interest rates rising. Rates seem even higher right now because they were so low just a short time ago. It is important to realize that interest rates were so low recently because of the government's response to COVID-19 and now that they have risen so quickly, it seems worse than it really is. However, this still leaves many potential homebuyers feeling like they can't afford to purchase a home...but what if I told you that your interest rate doesn't really matter?
Conventional vs FHA Home loans
There is a common misconception that Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loans are not as good as conventional loans. However, this is not always the case. In fact, there are several factors that can make an FHA loan a better option for some borrowers.
Should You Pay Your Mortgage Off Early?
Should you pay your mortgage off early? No.Alright, that's a wrap, anybody up for lunch? Okay, just kidding. So, to better understand this question let's talk about what a mortgage is in relation to your overall financial picture.